Mash's Musings

Just keep reading

Published Mar. 30, 2021

Just keep reading. Doesn't matter what, doesn't matter when, doesn't matter for how long. Just keep reading.

I, like most people my age, used to love reading as a kid. Like seriously love it. To the point where my mom would have to come take away my flashlight after a new Artemis Fowl or Harry Potter book came out so I wouldn't stay up all night reading. And yet, as I grew up and video games got fancier, broadband internet entered our home, and the nightmarish social pressures of puberty became a thing, I forgot about reading. It wasn't a strong conviction or anything, it just simply faded away. Reading became an activity for school, not for fun. And then at some point reading became a virtue, a painful rite of passage to show how smart you were.

As a result, it took me a full decade to start reading again. And many months after that before I started reading for fun. Ten years of learnings gone, emotions not experienced, perspectives unchallenged. It was a quote from Naval Ravikant that made me realize what I got wrong 10 years ago.

Everybody I know who reads a lot loves to read, and they love to read because they read books that they loved. It’s a little bit of a catch-22, but you basically want to start off just reading wherever you are and then keep building up from there until reading becomes a habit. And then eventually, you will just get bored of the simple stuff.

There were plenty of books that I loved to read but at some point that seemed like the wrong thing to do. Reading for fun was no longer cool and then over time, it became a big thing. A reminder to drop the pretense and just pick up a book, any book, when I'm restless or on vacation would have been great. Keep the habit, embrace the guilty reads! Just keep reading. Doesn't matter what, doesn't matter when, doesn't matter for how long. Just keep reading.